
The following individual online class sessions are available for purchase. These are classes and recorded rituals that have been offered by Laurelei Black and other Temple members. None of the following webinars arei ncluded in the courses listed above. Proceeds benefit the video creator, the Temple of Aphrodite Asteria, and the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP).

Invoking Aphrodite

WORKSHOP: Join Laurelei as she invokes Aphrodite in a temple setting and then leads workshop participants through the process. The Goddess will walk and talk among us, as participants learn to become the vessel of Love. A basic understanding of grounding and centering techniques and general energy work will be useful for this workshop.

Aphrodite’s Bath: Cleansing and Creation Through Sensuality

WORKSHOP: The Goddess of Love was known for the force of Her sensuality and sexuality. Less well-known are the qualities of cleansing, creation and regeneration that are also attributed to Golden Aphrodite. Her bath, the harbor off of Cyprus where she was born, was the symbol that connected these aspects of Aphrodisian power. This workshop explores the ways in which sensuality serves as a cleansing act and is the impetus for the power of creation.

The Touch of Love

WORKSHOP:  As embodied souls, creatures of flesh and spirit, we have a dual need for loving touch. Pleasure is a sacred gift, a sacrament from the Divine -- because God/Universe loves us and wants us to be happy. Giving and receiving pleasurable touch allows us to connect with each other and with OURSELVES, while reaching upward and outward to the Divine. And while pleasurable touch certainly can be erotic, it doesn't have to be. The purpose of this workshop is to allow each participant (who chooses to engage) an opportunity to be caressed and loved by the other members of the loving, healing circle. Each person gets to establish boundaries for their session, which is VERY empowering. And everyone receives unconditional love and healing, loving touch from everyone in the circle. NOTE: The focus of this experiential workshop is not on sexual touch or erotic encounters. Let's explore the wide spectrum of loving, healing, connecting, pleasurable touch without the pressure of sex, for a change. =) Individual and couple sessions can be incorporated into the event, as well.

Mythic Role Play

WORKSHOP: The archetypes represented by Aphrodite and Her lovers, rivals, friends and children can have a powerfully transformative power in our lives. Laurelei will demonstrate how to access these archetypes through deep play, evocation, and improvised ritual drama. Participants will experience at least two mythic encounters in which they express the Gods, Goddesses, heroes and villains within.


RITUAL: Io, Kypris! Hail, Aphrodite! She who rises from Her bath off the rocky shores of Paphos! The ritual procession leads the icons of Aphrodite and Peitho (Persuasion) and the line of joyful celebrants to the bathing place where the statues are washed and freshly adorned, the People are instructed in the Mysteries of Aphrodite, and the priestess gives them gifts. The ritual is performed in the Greek ritual style, with introductions and explanations beforehand. Celebrants are encouraged to wear flowers, as this is most pleasing to Aphrodite.